The United Church of Christ in New Smyrna Beach is a progressive congregation less than two miles west of the Atlantic Ocean and just north of historic Canal Street. We are an "Open and Affirming" church. We welcome all into the full life and ministries of the church irrespective of race, gender, age, creed, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, socio-economic status, and mental and physical disabilities. We celebrate the image of God in every person.

We are a growing community of faith, with a vision of providing our neighbors with meaningful human connections in a fragmented world; opportunities to serve and challenges to grow; and a culture of sharing with those in need. We are also a part of the global community through prayer, education, giving, and our partnership with the national United Church of Christ and the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ). We like to say every time we gather for worship:"No matter who you are, or where you are on life's journey, you are always welcome here!"
Our Mission is to do justice, seek peace, and love all as Christ loves. We have been serving greater New Smyrna Beach, acting as God's hands and feet in the world since 1875. This includes folks from as far north as Ormond Beach, as far west as DeLand, as far south as Oak Hill and Orange City.
We honor the spirit of inquiry by inviting openness about issues related to a life of faith. With the divine as our primary teacher, we celebrate the many ways we experience and understand our relationship to the Creator. We reflect a broad and diverse range of beliefs including those who understand themselves as reborn in Christ all the way through agnostic… even atheists are welcomed into our fellowship. Without judgment, we trust God to shape us all as our lives come in contact with other lives and as the Spirit moves in and through each of us.
Here you will quickly discover that we welcome questions and celebrate learning. This openness comes from our tradition that historically challenged the damaging and divisive nature of church dogmas and creeds. Traditionally, from our Disciples of Christ tradition, we say there is "no creed but Christ," meaning, the primary way we know and understand our faith is through a relationship with the Living God.
The United Church of Christ of New Smyrna Beach is the oldest congregational church in the state of Florida. It is also the only congregation in the state whose members and pastor have full standing in two national denominations: The United Church of Christ and The Christian Church (Disciples of Christ).

We are deeply rooted in the Holy Scriptures. Whatever your age, gender or race, there is a special place for you at our United Church of Christ. We are devoted to learning and growing in faith. We believe that worship is something that can be expressed in everything we do, whether that be nourishing our bodies with food, chatting with friends, playing music, or enjoying nature.
We offer members a chance to become part of something greater, to grow their love for God and for one another in our beautiful community. Get in touch today or swing by for a visit.